A Redemption a Fates Warning, Prymary, Steel Prophet zenekarok tagjaiból alakult progresszív metal zenekar.
Elsõ lemezük "Desperation" címû tételét a Symphony X mestere Michael Romeo hangszerelte.
2007-ben lehetõséget kapnak elõzenekai poszt betöltésére a Dream Theater Systematic Chaos Tour amerikai állomásain. Talán ezen idõszak alatt kialakult jó kapcsolatnak is köszönhetõ, hogy 2009-es Snowfall on Judgment Day lemezük "Another Day Dies" címû dalában vendégeskedik James LaBrie.
Redemption (2003) |
 | 1. | Desperation Part I | 2. | Desperation Part II (Feat. Ray Alder) | 3. | Desperation Part III | 4. | Desperation Part IV | 5. | Nocturnal | 6. | Window To Space | 7. | As I Lay Dying | 8. | Something Wicked This Way Comes |
The Fullness of Time (2005) |
 | 1. | Threads | 2. | Parker`s Eyes | 3. | Scarred | 4. | Sapphire | 5. | The Fullness of Time I: Rage | 6. | The Fullness of Time II: Despair | 7. | The Fullness of Time III: Release | 8. | The Fullness of Time IV: Transcendence |
The Origins of Ruin (2007) |
 | 1. | The Suffocating Silence | 2. | Bleed Me Dry | 3. | The Death of Faith & Reason | 4. | Memory | 5. | The Origins of Ruin | 6. | Man of Glass | 7. | Blind My Eyes | 8. | Used to Be | 9. | Fall on You | 10. | Love to Love (UFO cover, bonus) |
Frozen in the Moment - Live in Atlanta (2009) |
 | 1. | Threads | 2. | Bleed Me Dry | 3. | Nocturnal | 4. | Memory | 5. | The Suffocating Silence | 6. | Release | 7. | Fall On You | 8. | Sapphire | 9. | The Death Of Faith & Reason |
Snowfall on Judgment Day (2009) |
 | 1. | Peel | 2. | Walls | 3. | Leviathan Rising | 4. | Black and White World | 5. | Unformed | 6. | Keep Breathing | 7. | Another Day Dies (feat. James LaBrie) | 8. | What Will You Say | 9. | Fistful of Sand | 10. | Love Kills Us All / Life in One Day | 11. | S.O.C. (iTunes bonus) |
This Mortal Coil (2011) |
 | 1. | Path of the Whirlwind | 2. | Blink of An Eye | 3. | No Tickets to the Funeral | 4. | Dreams From the Pit | 5. | Noonday Devil | 6. | Let It Rain | 7. | Focus | 8. | Perfect | 9. | Begin Again | 10. | Stronger Than Death | 11. | Departure of the Pale Horse | 12. | Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding (Elton John Cover) | 13. | Jane (Starship Cover) | 14. | Hold The Line (Toto Cover) | 15. | Edge Of The Blade (Journey Cover) | 16. | Love To Love (UFO Cover) | 17. | Precious Things (Tori Amos Cover) |