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Rompeprop Hörgés : Steven Splattersmegma
Ének - Gitár : Dirty Dr. Dente
Dob : Jor'es Du True
Bass - Vokál : Micheil The Menstrual Mummy

A Rompeprop 1999-ben alakult Hollandiában a leghíresebb grind/goregrind bandák nyomán mint például Cock And Ball Torture, Gut.

Albumok :

Menstrual Stomphulk (Full-length) (2002)
Rompeprop - Menstrual Stomphulk (Full-length)1.Int(i)ro(i) 
2.Dislocated Purple Stoma 
3.The Erected Underwater Necro Clitstomper 
6.Swarming Of The Cysts 
7.The Babyshitter 
10.Crash Test Faggots 
Hellcocks Pornflakes (Full-length) (2003)
Rompeprop - Hellcocks Pornflakes (Full-length)1.Intro ``The Liberation Of Eindhoven`` 
2.Vaginal Luftwaffe 
4.Vulcanic Eskimo 
5.Coughin` Coffin 
6.Swimming In Neanderthalers 
7.Concrete Hamburger 
8.Pussyjuice Chup A Chup 
9.Hellcock`s Pornflakes 
10.Anal Sushi (Recipe By Gut) 
12.Outro ``The Sadistic Death Of Ruud Ter Weijden`` 
Just A Matter Of Splatter (Split with Tu Carne) (2004)
Rompeprop - Just A Matter Of Splatter (Split with Tu Carne)1.LullabysexualAndreH-6-6-6 
2.I Am The Dolphin Sprayhole Fucker 
3.As She Licks My Only Ball... 
4.Lubricate The Fucksaw 
5.Body Bag Bitch 
6.Donkey Punch (Peter Pan Speedrock Cover) 
7.We Want Gore!! 
8.Over / Outro 
Masters of Gore (Split with Gut) (2006)
Rompeprop - Masters of Gore (Split with Gut)1.Hallo 
4.Cleveland Steamer 
Gargle Cummics (Full-length) (2010)
Rompeprop - Gargle Cummics (Full-length)1.Quackquack 
2.Foreskin Fart 
4.Knijnen Met Un V-hals 
5.M`n Lul 
7.Horrorable Hangover 
8.Achmeds Aruem (The Perfect Moshlimb) 
9.Scottish Handcuffs 
10.Tante Shampoo 
11.Bring Out the Dead 
13.Cleveland Steamer 
14.Porn to Be Wild 
15.Stront. Wie Het Oe Gescheten? 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Agyhalál, wet nightmare, Abbath, Wardum, Devoured By Vermin, Abominable Butcher, Demonfreak, nshangya, Hardcore94, Vreid, Glembaurd, Massacrschmitt, Metalmorphogenesis, Athelgard, néha, CowGORE, Töttös - Shitcore, Sick Shit Pitching       , ANAL NOSOROG, Söndör, Samshuk, SLIKKER Művek , nasum87, Folk n Troll Shaman, Total Metal Klub, Asphyxiation, Czax, KisSzaki, psychomedve, Shine, wiglafSS, tenebra_caligo, feri_horog, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, Zaki

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Hozzászólások :
2012.08.15. 21:25:18
Egyik legjobb, legbetegebb bandaxD
Devoured By Vermin
Devoured By Vermin
2010.11.10. 18:21:43
Didike írta :
Lejoooobb! :D

Ez nem kérdéses :)
"She likes the way it felt inside her! Fucking her! Harder! HARDER!!!"

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