Rose Funeral logo
  dobos : Ryan Gardner
Bass gitár : Destin Armstrong
gitáros : Drey Armstrong
énekes : Ray Hughes
gitáros : Tony Younce

Albumok :

Crucify.Kill.Rot (2007)
Rose Funeral - Crucify.Kill.Rot1.Crucify.Kill.Rot 
2.God`s Hideous Creation 
3.Sledgehammer Facelift 
4.The Well 
5.Intereo Diu 
6.Dawning the Resurrection 
7.State of Decay 
8.Eternal Regret 
9.Under a Godless Sky 
10.Buried Amongst the Flames 
Demo 2008 (2008)
Rose Funeral - Demo 20081.Possessed To Kill (Intro) 
2.God Hand Killer 
3.Chapter of the Reaping 
4.God`s Hideous Creation (Renewed) 
5.Eternal Regret (Renewed) 
The Resting Sonata (2009)
Rose Funeral - The Resting Sonata1.Exordium: The Fall Of Christ 
3.Good Demise 
4.Remain In Dirt 
5.Left To Rot 
6.The Resting Sonata 
7.Redeemer Of Flesh 
8.Created To Kill 
9.Embalming The Masses 
10.Buried Beneath 
11.Dawning The Resurrection: Verse II 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Petre, cecilcore, helojó?, Mord, Csőőőő, Lázlóóó, Athelgard, posheacartman, Gery6969, Neaera87, Ghost Rain, Eyes6990, GrImM ReApEr, Ifota, T1meatgod, d3zs0, Jackkk, Ermys, your_creation, SevenSlam, Bejcsu

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