| ének(2005) dob(1988-2003) : | Aad Kloosterwaard |
gitár(2005) basszusgitár(1997-2003) : | Alex Paul |
basszusgitár : | Bas van den Bogaard |
ex-dob(2005-2008) : | Paul Beltman |
ex-ének : | Mike van Mastrigt (1988-1996) |
ex-ének : | Joost (2000) |
ex-ének : | Rachel Heyzer-Kloosterwaard (2001-2003) |
ex-basszusgitár : | Corzas Nanuruw (1989-1991) |
ex-gitár : | Frank Faaze (1991) |
ex-gitár : | Andre Tolhuizen (1991-1994) |
ex-gitár : | Pascal Grevinga (2003) |
ex-gitár,ex-basszusgitár : | Bart van Wallenburg (1992-2002) |
ex-gitár,ex-basszusgitár : | Ron van de Polder (1988-1992, 2003) |
ex-basszusgitár : | Michel Alderliefsten (1996) |
Diabolical Summoning (1993) |
 | 1. | Sadistic Intent | 2. | Magnified Wrath | 3. | Diabolical Summoning | 4. | Sense Of Demise | 5. | Leviathan | 6. | Desecrated Flesh | 7. | Tribes Of The Moon | 8. | Mystical Illusions |
Hate (1995) |
 | 1. | Intro | 2. | Awaiting The Absu | 3. | Embodiment Of Chaos | 4. | Art Of The Damned | 5. | Unseen Darknees | 6. | 18th Century Hellfire | 7. | To Mega Therion | 8. | The Cursed Mayhem | 9. | The Bloodfeast |
Bastard Saints ep (1996) |
 | 1. | Reborn From Hatred | 2. | Bastard Saints | 3. | Rebels Dome | 4. | Cross The Styx | 5. | Epoch Of Denial |
Aggressive Measures (1998) |
 | 1. | The Upcoming | 2. | Aggressive Measures | 3. | Beyond The superstition | 4. | Into The Forgotten | 5. | Enslave The Weak | 6. | Fake Redemption | 7. | Chained In Reality | 8. | Emerged With Hate | 9. | Blood Follows The Blood |
Creative Killings (2001) |
 | 1. | Relic Of Possession | 2. | Bleeding Towards The Wendigo | 3. | Creative Killings | 4. | Judicious Murder | 5. | Reviving The Dead | 6. | Early Gothic Horror | 7. | Moralistic Suffering | 8. | Altering The Beast | 9. | Season Of The Wicked | 10. | Storm In My Mind |
Savage Or Grace (2003) |
 | 1. | Rise Of The Predator | 2. | Savage Or Grace | 3. | Barbaric Order | 4. | The Age Of Murder | 5. | Conception Of Sin | 6. | Chapel Desecration | 7. | Dominion | 8. | Collapse Rewind | 9. | Apocalypse In Time |
Afterburner (2006) |
 | 1. | The Grey Massacre | 2. | Altruistic Suicide | 3. | Men Down | 4. | Afterburner | 5. | Presage Of The Mindless | 6. | Into Submission | 7. | The Riot Crossfire | 8. | Flesh Of The Servant |
The Silent Howling (2008) |
 | 1. | Republic Of The Grave | 2. | Summit Of Sacrifice | 3. | Fortified Bravery | 4. | The Silent Howling | 5. | The Kill To Come | 6. | Palace Of The Fates | 7. | If It Bleeds |
The Blood Past best of (2009) |
 | 1. | Putrefying Remains | 2. | Spiritual Immolation | 3. | Compulsory Resignation | 4. | Spiritual Immolation | 5. | Putrefying Remains | 6. | Putrefying Remains | 7. | Spiritual Immolation | 8. | Compulsory Resignation | 9. | Perpetual Damnation | 10. | Perpetual Damnation | 11. | Putrefying Remains | 12. | Sacramental Carnage | 13. | Epoch Of Denial | 14. | Lacivious Desolation | 15. | Perpetual Damnation | 16. | Compulsory Resignation | 17. | Putrefying Remains | 18. | Spiritual Immolation | 19. | Corridors To The Abyss |
Prophecies Denied live (2009) |
 | 1. | (Intro) | 2. | Bleeding Towards the Wendigo | 3. | Epoch of Denial | 4. | The Grey Massacre | 5. | Sadistic Intent | 6. | Into the Forgotten | 7. | Men Down | 8. | Barbaric Order | 9. | Enslave the Weak (Intro) | 10. | Enslave the Weak | 11. | Altruistic Suicide | 12. | Afterburner | 13. | Cross the Styx (Intro) | 14. | Cross the Styx | 15. | To Mega Therion |
Legacy of Ashes (2010) |
 | 1. | Herd of Damnation (Intro) | 2. | Into the Blind World | 3. | The Enemy of My Enemy | 4. | Anatomie of a Catastrophe | 5. | The Sin of Sodomy | 6. | Legacy of Ashes | 7. | The Hornet`s Nest | 8. | Righteous Indignations | 9. | The Living Sacrifice |
Altered Since Birth 1990-2010 boxed set (2011) |
 | 1. | Demo-Nica (compilation) | 2. | Cross The Styx | 3. | Diabolical Summoning | 4. | Hate & Bastard Saints | 5. | Aggresive Measures | 6. | Creative Killings | 7. | Savage Or Grace | 8. | Afterburner | 9. | The Silent Howling |
The Carnage Ending (2012) |
 | 1. | Gates of Bloodshed (Intro) | 2. | Unheavenly Domain | 3. | Transylvania (City of the Damned) | 4. | My Casual Enemy | 5. | Crown of Thorns | 6. | The Carnage Ending | 7. | Oath of Rebirth | 8. | Regarding the Imagery | 9. | Blood Ecstacy | 10. | Defamatory Content | 11. | Final Destroyer |