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Sanctity Vocal : Brian Stephenson
Rhythm Guitar : Zach Jordan
gitár : Zeff Childress
Bass : Scott Smith
Dobos : Jeremy London

Albumok :

Road to Bloodshed (2007)
Sanctity - Road to Bloodshed1.Beneath the Machine [watch video]
2.Brotherhood of Destruction 
3.Road to Bloodshed [watch video]
4.Laws of Reason 
5.Billy Seals [watch video]
6.Zeppo [watch video]
7.Beloved Killer [watch video]
8.The Shape of Things 
10.The Rift Between 
11.Seconds [watch video]
12.Once Again [watch video]

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
FarkasfaROCK, ThrashTeuton, raven888, Dirt Jay Libertad, hugi02, Loni, Easy_Rider, friza851, Ladyhorror

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