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White Lion Ének : Mike Tramp
Gitár : Jamie Law
Dob : Troy Patrick Farrell
Basszusgitár : Claus Langeskov
Szintetizátor : Henning Wanner

Albumok :

Fight To Survive (1985)
 1.Broken Heart 
3.Fight to Survive 
4.Where Do We Run 
5.In the City 
6.All the Fallen Men 
7.All Burn in Hell 
8.Kid of 1000 Faces 
9.El Salvador 
10.The Road to Valhalla 
Pride (1987)
2.Lonely Nights 
3.Don`t Give Up 
4.Sweet Little Loving 
5.Lady Of The Valley 
7.All You Need is Rock `N` Rol 
8.Tell Me 
9.All Join Our Hands 
10.When the Children Cry 
Big Game (1989)
 1.Goin` Home Tonight 
2.Dirty Woman 
3.Little Fighter 
4.Broken Home 
5.Baby Be Mine 
6.Living on the Edge 
7.Let`s Get Crazy 
8.Don`t Say It`s Over 
9.If My Mind is Evil 
10.Radar Love 
11.Cry for Freedom 
Mane Attraction (1991)
 1.Lights And Thunder 
2.Broken Heart 
3.Leave Me Alone 
4.Love Don`t Come Easy 
5.You`re All I Need 
6.It`s Over 
8.She`s Got Everything 
9.Till Death Do Us Part 
10.Out With the Boys 
11.Blue Monday 
12.Farewell to You 
Return Of The Pride (2008)
 1.Sangre de Cristo 
3.Live Your Life 
4.Set Me Free 
5.I Will 
6.Battle at Little Big Horn 
7.Never Let You Go 
8.Gonna Do It My Way 
9.Finally See The Light 
10.Let Me Be Me 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Avatar Tomi, Forint, Chris1983, Richie 85, Brydzsyt, szlesspapa, metalize, poison-zsu, palkai, ragdoll a gunner, -Doom-, Golfos, Rókalány, Daray, New York Doll, The Hunter, Adél_, rockpanorama, Kiss Vuk, Metalfanatic, Brizesz, Alko_hol?, love bites, REDRIDER, Rock Of Ages, Maci80, Whatsername, Shiki, Metalian, guns demon, Julimuli, rRréka, IRON`, Leon Cobbler, dzsud, Lucky Luke, StabWest, Mocsok, kicsikibcsi, JoeGlad, steelheart0120, Red Johny, Satine, Lover of freedom , +ßeni+, moparkid vót valamikor, luno, Lynch, Lucyus, ŽAliceMR, Macséta, Morgendorffer, TexasBoogie, Szocsii, osfp, Armour Claw Ring, Martyr, Fjörgyn, Herr Kaiser, Dina Ivory, Rockercsajszii1795, RockerNeko_chii, Svenska

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