A Wormrot 2007-ben alakult, brutális grindcore-t játszó zenekar, a singapore-i metal élzenekara az Impiety és a Deus ex Machina mellett. Eddig 1 teljes értékû stúdióalbumot és több demót illetve split lemezt adtak ki. 2009-ben az Earache records szerzõdtette õket.
Dead (EP) (2008) |
 | 1. | Propagrinda | 2. | Condemnation | 3. | Power and terror maximator | 4. | Wall of shit | 5. | Fuck...i`m drunk | 6. | Uncovered and proud as fuck | 7. | Violate the dead | 8. | Castrate matrep | 9. | Amsterdamned | 10. | Mass disruption | 11. | Operation grindcore | 12. | Newkiller nuclear | 13. | Freedom to act | 14. | Why we fight |
Wormrot/Diseptic split (2008) |
 | 1. | Set to kill | 2. | Now it`s time | 3. | Left to rot | 4. | Beer or nothing | 5. | Saw throat | 6. | False grind sodomy | 7. | Refuse | 8. | Tight shirt, tighter jeans | 9. | Rapid Abortions of Ridiculous Proportions |
Abuse (2009) |
 | 1. | Lost swines | 2. | Exterminate | 3. | Double-feeding | 4. | Born stupid | 5. | Sledgehammer | 6. | So fierce for fuck? | 7. | Dis-appointing | 8. | Good times | 9. | Freedom to act | 10. | Indonesia | 11. | Shitlack | 12. | Condemnation | 13. | One round away | 14. | Fuck... i`m drunk! | 15. | Operation grindcore | 16. | Rich (yeah yeah yeahs cover) | 17. | Overgrown asshole | 18. | Blasphemy my ass | 19. | Fix your broken mind | 20. | Newkiller nuclear | 21. | Uncovered and proud as fuck | 22. | Murder | 23. | Scum Infestation and Last Song |