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Cryptic Slaughter gitár : Les Evans
ének : Dave Hollingsworth
bassz : Brett Davis
dob : Brain Lehfeldt
ének : Bill Crooks (Convicted album)
bassz/ének : Rob Nicholson (Convicted album)
dob : Scott Peterson (Convicted album)
1984-ben Santa Monica-ban (USA) alakult legendás thrash/crossover banda. Lowlife címû számukat a Napalm Death is feldolgozta és a mai napig elõszeretettel játssza koncertjein.

Albumok :

Life in Grave Demo (1985)
Cryptic Slaughter - Life in Grave 	Demo1.1. Flesh Of The Wench 
2.2. Necessity Supreme 
3.3. Life In A Grave 
4.4. War To The Knife 
5.5. Rest In Pain 
Convicted (1986)
Cryptic Slaughter - Convicted1.1. M.A.D. [watch video]
2.2. Little World 
3.3. Sudden Death 
4.4. Lowlife [watch video]
5.5. Rage to Kill 
6.6. Rest In Pain 
7.7. Nuclear Future 
8.8. State Control 
9.9. Hypocrite 
10.10. War to the Knife 
11.11. Nation of Hate 
12.12. Black and White 
13.13. Reich of Torture 
14.14. Convicted 
Money Talks (1987)
Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks1.1. Money Talks [watch video]
2.2. Set Your Own Pace 
3.3. Could Be Worse 
4.4. Wake Up 
5.5. Freedom of Expression? [watch video]
6.6. Menace to Mankind 
7.7. Too Much, Too Little 
8.8. Human Contrast 
9.9. Tables Are Turned 
10.10. Positively 
11.11. All Wrong 
12.12. American Heroes 
Stream of Consciousness (1988)
Cryptic Slaughter - Stream of Consciousness1.1. Circus of Fools 
2.2. Aggravated 
3.3. Last Laugh 
4.4. Overcome 
5.5. Deteriorate 
6.6. See Through You 
7.7. Just Went Black 
8.8. Drift 
9.9. Altered Visions 
10.10. Addiction 
11.11. One Last Thought 
Speak Your Peace (1990)
Cryptic Slaughter - Speak Your Peace1.1. Born Too Soon 
2.2. Still Born, Again 
3.3. Insanity by the Numbers 
4.4. Co-Exist 
5.5. Deathstyles of the Poor and Lowly 
6.6. One Thing Or Another 
7.7. Divided Minds 
8.8. Speak Your Peace 
9.9. Killing Time 
Band in S.M. EP (feldolgozások) (2003)
Cryptic Slaughter - Band in S.M.  	EP   (feldolgozások)1.1. Banned In D.C. (Bad Brains cover) 
2.2. Out of Step (Minor Threat cover) 
3.3. Guilty of Being White (Minor Threat cover) 
4.4. Bombs (Attitude Adjustment cover) 
5.5. Wipe Out (The Surfaris cover) 
6.6. (You Gotta) Fight For Your right (to Party) (Beastie Boys cover) 
7.7. Stray Cat Blues (Rolling Stones cover) 
8.8. Alcohol (Gang Green cover) 
9.9. (I`m Not Your) Stepping Stone (The Monkees cover) 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
GABO, Nammtar, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, stormtrooper_of_death, U235, Crustover Thrasher, Hellbull, OiOiBoy, hammerheart

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