Zeromancer logo
Zeromancer Ének : Alex Møklebust
Basszusgitár,Ének : Kim Ljung
Dobok : Noralf Ronthi
Gitár : Dan Heide
Billennyűk,Programozás : Lorry Kristiansen















Two years, six months and 25 days: The length of time it takes before romance is dead. Never mind the seven-year itch. Newlyweds have an even earlier milestone to fear: the twoyear slouch. The average couple gives up on romance just two years, six months and 25 days into a marriage, according to research.

  • Welcome to the modern sound of the industrial revolution! New dark electronic rock served to you ina delicious manner by Zeromancer. Who would have dared to hope that there would ever again be an album which unites melancholy sadness and rock sounds in such an absolutely perfect and catchy fashion?
  • Well here it is; “The Death of Romance” - a monumental portrait of loss, wrath and desire. Zeromancer’s fifth album is, in many ways, their self-titled album. It’s barely a year ago since they released their long awaited and highly acclaimed, “Sinners International”. An album led by the hit singles “Doppelgänger I Love You” and “It Sounds Like Love (but it looks like sex)”. It would again put the band back in the league of the industrial rock elite.
  • As with “Sinners International” they have kept the same impressive strategy by producing, recording and mixing the album themselves. It’s still unmistakably Zeromancer with their combination of catchy hook lines and striking melodies in a vast violent and desolate landscape. “The Death of Romance” is following in the steady footsteps of “Sinners International” and with even clearer manifestation of the in-your face attitude.
  • “The Death of Romance” sounds like a band in total control and on top of their career releasing their own memoirs. It is a flawless construction of a sweat-inducing industrial earthquake and a large dollop of passion. 10 years ago Zeromancer breathed new life into the alternative dark wave scene in Europe.
  • By releasing “Clone Your Lover” which was written and recorded in Los Angeles they were immediately greeted a much respected place in the scene. A solid proof of this was the GAMA awards they were awarded for best newcomer the same year. Only one year later they spun their sex, drugs and technology motto into another success.
  • Fronted by the hit singles “Dr Online” and “Need You Like A Drug” the “Eurotrash” album made Zeromancer a household name in the genre. Their reputation as a very special live act with their intense presence and their possessive energy, grew fast and they soon headlined their own European tours.
  • In 2003 it was time for the enigma of “ZZYZX”. The title inspired by a mysterious place out in the Californian desert named the last place on Earth. Their third album was a cacophony of a more melodic expression. It was packed with energy, whose dark and yet energetic anthems would stir and not just the underground. With this album they built a large fanbase in the alternative scene in America and toured the country coast to coast, moving on to Europe for their biggest tour to date.
  • Zeromancer remains a radiant, seductive light which powerfully rises from the mush of the musical landscape. Now with “The Death of Romance”, rock music is finally once again that which it always should have been. Unaffected and impressive, for girls and boys. The one, with a tear in the eye, is full of yearning; the other goes crazy for the pounding drums and loud electric guitars. Never has one needed to be so little embarrassed about his/her feelings as with this powerful-romantic rock album.
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  • Albumok :

    Clone Your Lover (2000)
    Zeromancer - Clone Your Lover1.Clone Your Lover [watch video]
    2.Flirt (With Me) 
    3.Something for the Pain 
    4.Split Seconds 
    5.Fade to Black 
    6.God Bless the Models 
    9.Die of a Broken Heart 
    10.Houses of Cards 
    11.Something For The Pain (Apoptygma Berzerk Remix) 
    Eurotrash (2001)
    Zeromancer - Eurotrash1.Doctor Online 
    3.Need You Like a Drug 
    4.Chrome Bitch 
    6.Neo Geisha 
    8.Send Me an Angel (Real Life cover) 
    10.Raising Hell 
    Zzyzx (2003)
    Zeromancer - Zzyzx 1.Teenage Recoil 
    3.Famous Last Words 
    4.Erotic Saints 
    5.Idiot Music 
    6.Stop the Noise! 
    7.Feed You With a Kiss 
    8.Lamp Halo 
    9.Mosquito Coil 
    10.New Madonna (Bonus Track) 
    11.Gone To Your Head (Bonus Track) 
    Sinners International (2009)
    Zeromancer - Sinners International1.Sinners International 
    2.Doppelgänger I Love You 
    3.My Little Tragedy 
    4.It Sounds Like Love (But It Looks Like Sex) 
    5.Filth Noir 
    7.I`m Yours To Lose 
    8.Two Skulls 
    9.Imaginary Friends 
    The Death of Romance (2010)
    Zeromancer - The Death of Romance1.2.6.25 
    3.The Hate Alphabet 
    4.The Death of Romance 
    5.The Pygmalion Effect 
    6.Murder Sound 
    8.Virgin King 
    9.The Plinth 

    Kedvencek közé jelölték :
    Mystra, Lesteria, MrpontL, Alice_D, .Nilla., Sachi, Angelus, Wicce, Insensate, Marilyn Manson 666, Nana Wilson, lilyn6661, Trisa, Szőőőke, Stout, .NinaSuperstar., Ill Blood, Gambit, Armour Claw Ring, Porcelain_Doll, Edeneye, blackboogey, Eny Mytodeya, Predátor, P[]RTA, Zsky5, izzy95, Wraith78, Reila, _Petra_, EvilDead, LoSt SouL, Kémkölök, NevergreenRose, Mhalasy_Zajec, Sick Boy, innen, Atrophia, Kinim, Damian, thedeeplydisturbed, Tami95

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    Hozzászólások :
    2011.08.29. 10:46:39
    Jó zene! :)

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