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Drapsnatt Keyboards, Vocals : Vinterfader
Guitars, Bass, Drums, Vocals (clean) : Narstrand
Dråpsnatt was started in 2005 by Vinterfader and Narstrand.The two had been working together in other various small projects with creative freedom as the main guideline, and Dråpsnatt was not supposed to differ in that aspect.The band was formed with the idea to keep it simple, atmospheric and brutal, taking inspiration from old pagan tales, northern nature, mythologies and so on.The litteral translation of the word "Dråpsnatt" would be "manslaughter night", but there is no end to how bad that sounds. It just doesn't translate very well.As a short moodsetter to understand the name better:Imagine a lonesome traveller at night, following a dark path through the forests of sweden in the year 1800, he get's overthrown by someone - or something - which costs him his life.The village starts to gossip and starts rumours about those responsible for the death being ghosts, goblins and what not. That was pretty much the scenario that they had in mind when choosing the name.For the swedes reading this; Nej, det finns inget ord som heter "snatt", det är "Dråps-natt". Om ni bara visste hur många gånger frågan har ställts vad ordet "snatt" betyder..."I Denna Skog" (In These Woods) was released during the summer of 2009, receiving good responses from listeners and critics alike."Hymner Till Undergången" (Hymns To (Our) Doom) was released in 2010, and seems to have been welcomed in a similiar way as its predecessor.Both albums can be bought via Frostscald Records, and probably in a lot of different stores as well, who knows. The band only recieves a handfull of records themselves which mainly goes to friends and local fans, and therefore kindly asks their fans to buy their records from those stores or the internet.At this moment, Dråpsnatt are currently working on their third album. The title is set, but will be released later on. There will be catchy rock riffs, semi-fast blast parts, folk'ish melodies, soft parts with acoustic guitars and piano, the shrieks of Vinterfader and the clean vocals of Narstrand. Pretty much like the old albums, but rest assured, it will be different, new and fresh.All details concearning this album will be announced when it is ready. At this time it is only halfway done, and there is so far no schedule or deadline to refer to.Hopefully, with no promises at all, it will see the light of day around the year shift of 2011-2012. But again, no promises.

Albumok :

I Denna Skog (2009)
Drapsnatt - I Denna Skog1.I Denna Skog 
2.Under Fullmånens Sken 
4.Av Jord Ar Du Kommen 
5.Fader Frost 
6.En Sista Vandring 
7.I Evig Tid 
8.Han Faller Plagad Ned 
9.Ett Sista Andetag 
Hymner Till Undergången (2010)
Drapsnatt - Hymner Till Undergången1.En Ensam Sol Gar Ner 
4.Mannen I Min Spegel 
5.Somna In 
6.Ve Er 
7.Tonerna De Klinga 
8.En Besvuren Plats 
Skelepht (2012)
Drapsnatt - Skelepht1.Meningslösheten 
4.Tonerna till vårt slut 
6.Förruttnelsens Hypostaser 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Wordur, Erdelyi Farkas, Vintergeist, AnthonyLeavold, Harciporcica

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