Izegrim gitár : Jeroen Wechgelaer
ének, basszusgitár : Marloes Voskuil
gitár : Bart van Ginkel
dob : Ivo Maarhuis

2017-04-07 Budapest - ShowBarlang - Flotsam And Jetsam, Dew Scented, Izegrim Fellépők: Dew Scented, Flotsam And Jetsam, Inhalator, Izegrim, Maradandó Károsodás, Needless, Vesztegzár, Zord Be: 5999Ft. Kezdés: 18:00 Flyer

Albumok :

Tribute to Totalitarianism (2008)
Izegrim - Tribute to Totalitarianism1.Regime of Redemption 
2.For God & Country 
3.In the Name of Freedom 
4.Hell on Earth 
5.The Better of Two Evils 
6.New World Order 
7.The Father, the Son & the Holy President 
8.Hail Victory 
9.Sword of Damocles 
Point of no Return (EP) (2009)
Izegrim - Point of no Return (EP)1.Point of no Return 
2.No Place Like Home 
3.End of Time 
4.Angel of Demise 
Code of Consequences (2011)
Izegrim - Code of Consequences1.Victim of Honor 
2.My Secret Society 
4.Center of Momentum 
6.Final Farewell 
7.Fade into Obscurity 
8.Psychopathic Mind 
9.Population Zero 
10.Code of Consequences 
Congress of the Insane (2013)
Izegrim - Congress of the Insane1.Relic Of The Past 
2.Decline And Fall 
3.Celebratory Gunfire 
4.Endless Strife 
5.Deterioration From Perfection 
6.Unchallenged Dominance 
7.Modern Day Freak 
8.The Legion 
9.Carousel Of Death 
10.Manifest Of A Megalomaniac 
11.Carnival Of Deception 
The Ferryman's End (2016)
Izegrim - The Ferryman1.White Walls 
2.Time To Run 
3.Endless Desire 
4.The Evil Within 
5.Absolute Necessity 
6.Reclaim My Identity 
7.Insanity Is Freedom 
8.Reflection Of Redemption 
9.Through A Glass Darkly 
10.Lost In Tranquillity 
11.The Ferrymans End 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
silenoz_tormentor, _Petra_, Boszika, Spit on Your grave, Amon

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