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Dawn Of Ashes Vokál : K. Bathory
Billentyű : Bahemoth
Gitár : Abaddon Mauvais
Gitár : Xaphan
Bass : Cyanide
Dobok : Orias

Albumok :

Sacred Fever (2005)
Dawn Of Ashes - Sacred Fever1.Ripped Apart 
2.Recharged Assault 
3.Sacred Fever 
4.Killer Instinct 
6.Desire to Die 
7.Black-Hearted Fiction 
9.Redemption Against Faith 
10.Knife Fight 
11.Fetish Decay 
12.Love Dies in Vain 
13.Walking Death 
14.Reflection of Evil 
In the Acts of Violence (2006)
Dawn Of Ashes - In the Acts of Violence1.Abyss 
2.In the Acts of Violence 
6.Dark Reality 
7.Killer Instinct 
8.Nail Driven 
9.Disgraceful Treason 
10.Maximum Damnation 
11.Abyss - (FGFC820 remix) 
The Crypt Injection (2007)
Dawn Of Ashes - The Crypt Injection1.A Blade In the Dark 
2.Torture Device 
3.Portrait of Homicide 
4.Inhuman Salvation 
5.Psycho Therapy 
6.Still Born Defect 
7.The Crypt Injection 
9.Where Angels Die 
10.Blood Shattered Cross 
11.Vengeance (When There Is Nobody To Trust) 
12.Still Born Defect (Aslan Faction Remix) 
13.Portrait Of Homicide (XP8 Remix) 
14.Portrait Of Homicide (Dioxyde Remix) 
15.Portrait Of Homicide (Dioxyde Remix) 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Lesther Savellys, (Eloise), Dreamcypher, MyFakkinPony, Ghostwhisperer, [she], Scorpius, Arch_Enemy, Ger, -Reni-, o_O, Princess Dark, Halvaszületett, Psilocybe, _yuzuyu_, Denevér Slayer Denevér, Trash, Blackpaw, arcsi, Avec89, c-force, Cabal, uzuz, RoB-666, synthetic zombie, HUN-TERror, Dr_Desmond_Tiny, SatanPIciLanya, SLINEWhoHateEveryone, Little Pixy, Jonathan Kain, Kisgonosz, Sacy, dévo, obsession, LoSt SouL, Dark Mary, Merla, DaVe P1GGY, Lord Chaos, Nameless Cyber, Kerub, _Petra_, Wraith78, Caldor DarkBow, - Valar Morghulis -, Dark Ghost, FAUh, Euphoria, Sztr

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