The Sisters of Mercy logo
The Sisters of Mercy ének, billentyű, gitár : Andrew Eldritch
dob : Doktor Avalanche
gitár : Chris May
gitár : Ben Christo

Albumok :

First And Last And Always (1985)
The Sisters of Mercy - First And Last And Always 1.Walk Away [watch video]
2.No Time To Cry [watch video]
Floodland (1987)
The Sisters of Mercy - Floodland1.This Corrosion [watch video]
2.Dominion [watch video]
3.Lucretia My Reflection [watch video]
Vision Thing (1990)
The Sisters of Mercy - Vision Thing1.More [watch video]
Some Girls Wander By Mistake (1992)
The Sisters of Mercy - Some Girls Wander By Mistake1.The Damage Done [watch video]
2.Body Electric [watch video]
3.Alice [watch video]
4.Anaconda [watch video]
5.Temple Of Love [watch video]
A Slight Case Of Overbombing (1993)
The Sisters of Mercy - A Slight Case Of Overbombing1.Body And Soul [watch video]

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Loraline, Avatar Tomi, -Doom-, SatanPIciLanya, Dita Fortress, helojó?, DANJO, Angelus, Necromancer, dmcsaj, Pandora69Box, gamling, Stacey_, alba, Thom, Brian Warner, Pedro Paramo, Tepeske, metal1991, bluevoodoo, liljevit, Tartarus, Zipi, (AvivA), Lucia, Tinja fire Biker, Pierrot, moodhunter, dead666jackal, LoSt SouL, Barbi-Lou, Armour Claw Ring, Deadhead, Tündér Csótány, Orchakh val Maadad, kyrial, Josephs, tt100, Little Pixy, Dance of the Plague

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2011.10.04. 19:17:20

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