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Beneath The Massacre Gitár : Christopher Bradley
Bass : Dennis Bradley
Ének : Elliot Desgagnés
Dob : Justin Rousselle

Albumok :

Evidence of Inequity (EP) (2005)
Beneath The Massacre - Evidence of Inequity (EP)1.Comforting Prejudice 
2.Profitable Killcount 
3.Totalitarian Hypnosis 
4.Regurgitated Lullaby for the Born Dead 
Beneath The Massacre - MECHANICS OF DYSFUNCTION1.The Surface 
2.Society`s Disposable Son 
3.The System`s Failure 
4.The Stench of Misery 
6.Modern Age Slavery 
7.The Invisible Hand 
8.Better Off Dead 
9.Long Forgotten 
Beneath The Massacre - DYSTOPIA1.Condemned 
2.Reign of Terror 
3.Our Common Grave 
4.Harvest of Hate 
5.The Wasteland 
7.No Future 
8.Lithium Overdose 
10.Never More 
11.Procreating the Infection 
Marée Noire (EP) (2010)
Beneath The Massacre - Marée Noire (EP)1.The Casket You Sleep In 
2.Black Tide 
3.Drill Baby Drill 
4.Designed To Strangle 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
bterv666, Q-Gloaf, MeTaLcIcC, Csali, |Krisztián|, GrImM ReApEr, infernal god, Hypothermia, Csőőőő, Ates, Barni, lassu, Widowmaker, DOLLARRRRR, Shine, WARHEAD, david22, Vérthányó Szent Denevérszar, posheacartman, BlacK HearT ThE WitcH, mocsokpunk, Húsgombóc, Athelgard, BoRiSz_BeEr, cecilcore, TGer, Haemorrhoid, Nitroglicerin, K3nderlovag, Dávid Scream, DDboy, Soulmate, ICEsCREAM, d3zs0, Hellbull, Sin Cara, tekicsikibaszottpónid, rio89, gumicucorezombie, your_creation, SickSixon, csicsa2810, SevenSlam, Logi, Dzsiodu, poison93, A D G C F, ano1mc, Porcelain Whore, sludgey

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