Norvég funeral doom banda, 1991-ben alakultak, a funeral doom stílus egyik megteremtõi. Fennállásukat szörnyû tragédiák tették nehezebbé, 2003-ban a basszusgitáros/szövegíró Einar frederisken öngyilkosságot követett el, 2006-ban pedig a gitáros Christian Loos-t találták holtan az otthonában.
Toril Snyen (1994-1995)
Sarah Eick (1997)
Hanne Hukkelberg (1998-2002) (Unspoken Names)
Øystein Rustad (Guest on "In Fields of Pestilent Grief")
Guitars:Thomas Angell (1991-2001)
Christian Loos (1994-2006) (Fallen (Nor)) (R.I.P. October 28th 2006 - Suicide)
Idar "Archaon" Burheim (2001-2003) (1349, Antaios)
Kjetil Ottersen (2003-2007) (also Keyboards 2001-2003) (Omit, Fallen (Nor), Vagrant God, Desiderium (Nor))
Vocals, Bass:
Einar Andre Fredriksen (1993-2003) (Anti-Chord, Paradigma (Nor), The Flesh) (R.I.P. 4th June 1973 - 10th January 2003)
Frode Forsmo (2004-2010) (Minas Tirith (Nor), Old Man's Child, Tulus)

Einar Andre Fredriksen (R.I.P. 4th June 1973 - 10th January 2003)

Christian Loos (R.I.P. 1974-October 28th 2006)

...I swear you touched my heart.
A thousand aeons worth
of hopelessness...
Leaves me freezing
Where you once burned...
E.F '00
Tragedies / Tristesse - 2CD (2006) |
 | 1. | Disc1: Tragedies+bonus track | 2. | Disc2: Tristesse+bonus track |
Demo 2008 (2008) |
| 1. | Doomraker | 2. | Hunger | 3. | The King | 4. | Mystique |
To Mourn Is a Virtue (2011) |
 | 1. | Hunger | 2. | God? | 3. | Your Pain Is Mine | 4. | The Rest… | 5. | Dancing in a Liquid Veil | 6. | How Death May Linger | 7. | Father | 8. | Blood from the Soil | 9. | Wrapped All in Woe |
Oratorium (2012) |
 | 1. | Burning with Regret | 2. | Hate | 3. | Break Me | 4. | Song of the Knell | 5. | From the Orchestral Grave | 6. | Making the World My Tomb | 7. | Will You Have Me? | 8. | Bonus, Vinyl edition:Thou Who Parts Flesh | 9. | Bonus,Deluxe Digipak Edition: So Now Scorn Leads the Vessel | 10. | Bonus,Deluxe Digipak Edition:Need | 11. | Bonus,Deluxe Digipak Edition:Eg Ser |