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Winds of Plague Ének : Jon Cook
Gitár : Nick Eash
Gitár : Nick Piunno
Dob : Art Cruz
Bass : Andrew Glover
Billentyűk : Alana Potocnik

Albumok :

A Cold Day in Hell (2005)
Winds of Plague - A Cold Day in Hell1.A Cold Day in Hell 
2.Anthems of Apocalypse 
4.The Day After 
5.One Body Too Many 
7.Full Chamber Roulette 
8.Pack of Wolves 
9.Tomorrow is Not a Promise 
10.Dead on the Dance Floor 
Decimate The Weak (2008)
Winds of Plague - Decimate The Weak1.A Cold Day In Hell 
2.Anthems Of Apocalypse 
3.The Impaler 
4.Decimate The Weak 
5.Origins And Endings 
6.Angels Of Debauchery 
9.One Body Too Many 
The Great Stone War (2009)
Winds of Plague - The Great Stone War 1.Earth 
2.Forged In Fire 
3.Soldiers Of Doomsday 
4.Approach the Podium 
5.Battle Scars 
6.Chest And Horns 
7.Creed Of Tyrants 
8.Our Requiem 
9.Classic Struggle 
10.The Great Stone War 
11.Tides Of Change 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
GrImM ReApEr, Tartarus, Demonfreak, Árnyékdalnok, Mord, HADRIAN, Nexxxt, david22, Nitroglicerin, Civil, Szintiboy, Cemetery Gate, eyeless, bterv666, SinfulEve, Vérthányó Szent Denevérszar, Psycho Screamer, Korgoth, godowesmemoney, Ghost Rain, - Valar Morghulis -, _Petra_, DDboy, Dávid Scream, Number1, aleera, brocklindow, slayerman, patriche, fadeaway, StormbringR, lordi1212, Hellbull, jass, MeTaL hArDcOrE, FallenJoy, vébéká, A D G C F, Logi, MDarkness, Muriel

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